Photo Repair Service
There are many ways that a picture can be changed. Changing a picture can enhance or detract from its original condition. Usually a customer wants their picture to look its best. Below are some descriptions of how a picture can be changed.
Color balance can be used to return the picture to its original condition.
Brightness and contrast is used to bring a picture into a sharper image.
Hue and saturation with brightness can be used to solve many color problems.
Sharpen is used to bring a slightly blurry picture into a better focus.
Removing dust is a way to get tiny speckles out of a picture.
Variations of color is used in either a color or black and white picture to produce a different tone in the picture.
Sizing is an important part of picture restoration. The picture can be made larger or it may be made smaller. This is also know as scaling a picture.
Trimming a picture is done to use a special part of the picture and discard the rest.
A recent color picture can be turned into an old picture by turning it into a black and white image and putting a grainy touch to it to make it look old.
An old picture can be colorized to make it look as if there were some color in the picture at the time that the picture was taken.
Objects can be added or eliminated.
Elements of one picture can be put onto another picture such as an object or person.
Backgrounds can be changed to put the object or person in another setting.